Cryptocurrency News

Prager Metis Sets up the First CPA Firm in the Metaverse

The world of technology has looked more interested in the metaverse concept recently. And the re-christening of Facebook as Meta a few months ago added more craze to this innovative concept. Just as the firms are exploring the real-world utilities of the metaverse, Prager Matis has officially stepped into the metaverse and established the first-ever virtual headquarters in the Decentraland.

Decentraland is a 3D virtual landscape where the users can buy gaming properties, virtual real estate, and more for the native MANA coin. The properties bought in this virtual landscape are secured by ERC 721 protocols and can be transferred anytime as they come under NFT. It was created by an Argentinian group in 2017 and has been since gaining traction in the DeFi sector gradually. This concept is still in progress, and many firms seem attracted to this innovative project. Decentraland provides the investments with a gaming outlook where interactions and socialization are possible. 

The MANA coin from Decentraland is also a potential trading piece. Predictions of the native Decentraland coin are positive about it reaching $5 towards the end of 2022. Moreover, the coin would have reached over $12 by 2026, making it a viable long-term investment option. In such a case, MANA would have shown a growth of 400% from its current price of $2.83. Click here to find out more about the Decentraland price prediction.

This story of Prager Matis began on the 28th of December when it bought a virtual building in Decentraland. The virtual headquarters is a joint venture of the CPA firm with a metaverse studio going by the name of Banquet LLC. Floor plans for the virtual headquarters have been released, and the first of the three floors will be the gallery for NFTs from the clients of Prager Matis. This floor will also have entertainment options for the clients. The second floor of the virtual building is to be reserved for meetings, conferences, and other conventions. The events from Prager Matis and live-entertainment concepts will be held on the third and top floor.

However, it is not the first time a firm from the financial sector has tried venturing into the metaverse concept. A Hong Kong-based under, PWC, has bought a piece of virtual land in another metaverse project known as the Sandbox. 

Prager Matis has taken this several steps ahead and established its virtual headquarters in Decentraland. It is derived that the firm is planning to bring consultations and other services for its clients and firms that require them. As the firm’s client base for no fungible tokens is expanding, this virtual space could be a potential way towards improving the NFT environment to suit the blockchain technologies.

William Saville

William Saville is a journalist and technical analyst with a background in finance. He has written for the foremost publications before getting into Latest Bitcoin News. Along with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, he is interested in the Forex market. He is closely involved in analyzing market trends of cryptocurrencies.

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